Ubuntu (12.04) upstart (at boot) services

Creating your own ubuntu upstart service: Create a shell script. (Name it whatever you want. Here I am assuming it to be “autorun.sh”) Copy the shell script to /etc/init.d/ Make the script executable. Update the upstart table of ubuntu by creating symbolic links. Done. To boot an already existing script: Update the upstart table of…


Apache Thrift, RPC’s between Java(server)-PHP(client), Hello World Application

A more comprehensive tutorial can be found here. Code can be downloaded from: https://github.com/chirag1992m/apacheThriftHelloWorld HOW TO INSTALL: type(for the pre-requisites):  For the final installation, download the tarball from the website, http://thrift.apache.org/download/ Then to install the tarball:  Also install the eclipse editor for thrift files. Eclipse –> help –> Install new Software –> add the URL: http://thrift4eclipse.sourceforge.net/updatesite/ tick the…